Lehr- und Forschungseinheit für
Programmier- und Modellierungssprachen
Oettingenstr. 67, D-80538 München

Twelfth Workshop on Logic Programming
Munich, 17-19 September 1997


This volume contains the papers and systems descriptions presented at the
Twelfth Workshop on Logic Programming - WLP`97 held at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
München on September 17-19, 1997.

The series of workshops on logic programming is organized by the "Gesellschaft für Logische
Programmierung e.V. (GLP)" - a subsection of the "Association for Logic Programming (ALP)"
- in conjunction with the sections 1.1 and 1.2 of the "Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI)". Previous
Workshops on Logic Programming took place in Berlin (1988-1990), Gosen (1991), Darmstadt
(1992), Hagen (1993), Zürich (1994), and Vienna (1995). (In 1996 no workshop took place,
since the Joint International Conference ans Symposium on Logic Programming was held in

This year, a large number of system descriptions is noticeable. Eleven articles and twelve sy-
stem descriptions have been selected. Each submission was refereed by at least two reviewers.
The system descriptions were presented by both, talks and demonstrations.

As at previous workshops, a large number of talks again is about Constraint Logic Programming
(CLP). This reflects the great interest in CLP and the success of this technology in practical, in-
dustrial applications. In addition, one of the two invited talks, by Thom Frühwirth, also deals
with CLP, namely the language Constraint Handling Rules (CHR). Other paradigms of decla-
rative programming as well are addressed during the workshop. The second invited talk, by Mi-
chael Hanus, deals with Multi-Paradigm Declarative Programming, and it is accompanied by a
demonstration of the system Curry. Also a combination of object-orientation and logic pro-
gramming is exemplified by a system demonstration. Other topics of paper sessions are seman-
tics of logic programming, theoretical aspects, and applications.

The system demonstrations are devoted to non--monotonic reasoning, paradigms in LP-systems,
theorem provers, planning systems, and reasoning systems.

We would like to thank all the authors who submitted papers, and all members of the program
committe and external referees for their contributions to the success of the workshop. Finally,
we gladly acknowledge the support of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, which
printed the proceedings as a technical report and hosted the workshop.

Munich, September 1997

François Bry
Burkhard Freitag
Dietmar Seipel

Workshop Organisers

Institut für Informatik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Gesellschaft für logisches Programmieren (GLP) - Untergruppe der
Association for Logic Programming (ALP)
Fachausschüsse 1.1 und 1.2 der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI)

Program Committee

Clemens Beckstein (Universität Jena)
Christoph Beierle (Fern-Universität Hagen)
Stefan Brass (Universität Hannover)
Francois Bry (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
Thomas Eiter (Universität Giessen)
Burkhard Freitag (Universität Passau)
Norbert Fuchs (Universität Zürich)
Ulrich Furbach (Universität Koblenz)
Ulrich Geske (GMD Berlin)
Michael Hanus (Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen)
Steffen Hölldobler (Universität Dresden)
Ulrich Neumerkel (Technische Universität Wien)
Lutz Plümer (Universität Bonn)
Dietmar Seipel (Universität Würzburg)

External Referees

Joachim Klausner (Universität Jena)
Frieder Stolzenburg (Universität Koblenz)

Table of Contents

Constraint Logic Programming I

Redundante Constraints und Heuristiken zum effizienten Lösen von Problemen der
Ablaufplanung mit CHIP
Hans-Joachim Goltz (GMD FIRST, Berlin, Germany)
Abstract (ASCII), complete text (gzipped Postscript)

Realisierung und Anwendung von Constraint-Hierarchien für die Konfiguration
technischer Systeme in ConBaCon
André Schiemann, Ulrich John, Ulrich Geske und Dmitri Boulanger (GMD FIRST,
Berlin, Germany)

Abstract (ASCII), complete text (gzipped Postscript)


INTERDIP - Ein Interaktiver Constraint-basierter Dienstplaner für Krankenstationen
Slim Abdennadher und Hans Schlenker (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München,

Abstract (ASCII), complete text (gzipped Postscript)

Wissensbasen im World Wide Web: Eine Herausforderung für die logische Programimerung
Harold Boley (DFKI Kaiserslautern, Germany)
Abstract (ASCII), complete text (gzipped Postscript)

Semantics of Logic Programming

Analyzing Declarative Semantics of Logic Programs
Dmitri Boulanger (GMD FIRST, Berlin, Germany)
Abstract (ASCII), complete text (gzipped Postscript).,

A Unifying Framework for Abductive and Constraint Logic Programming
Gerhard Wetzel (Brooklyn College, New York, USA)
Abstract (ASCII), complete text (gzipped Postscript)


A Sequent Calculus for Intuitionistic Default Logic
Uwe Egly and Hans Tompits (Technische Universität Wien, Austria
Abstract (ASCII), complete text (gzipped Postscript)

Adaptiv-inkrementelle Unifikation
Armin Wolf (GMD FIRST, Berlin, Germany)
Abstract (ASCII), complete text (gzipped Postscript)

Extending Homeomorphic Embedding in the Context of Logic Programming
Michael Leuschel (K.U. Leuven, Belgium)
Abstract (ASCII), complete text (gzipped Postscript)

Constraint Logic Programming II

Finite Set Intervals in Oz
Tobias Müller and Martin Müller (Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany)
Abstract (ASCII), complete text (gzipped Postscript)

Constrained Partial Deduction
Michael Leuschel and Danny de Schreye (K.U. Leuven, Belgium)
Abstract (ASCII), complete text (gzipped Postscript)

Non-Monotonic Reasoning

The dlv System: Model Generator and Advanced Frontends
(system description)
Simona Citrigno, Thomas Eiter, Wolfgang Faber, Georg Gottlob, Christoph Koch,
Nicola Leone, Cristinel Mateis, Gerald Pfeifer, and Francesco Scarcello
(Technische Universität Wien, Austria, Universität
Giessen, Germany, Univ. della Calabria, Rende, Italy)

Abstract (ASCII), complete text (gzipped Postscript)

DisLog - A Disjunctive Deductive Database Prototype
(system description)
Dietmar Seipel (Universität Würzburg, Germany)
Abstract (ASCII), complete text (gzipped Postscript)

An Overview of the LOLA System
(system description)
Ulrich Zukowski and Burkhard Freitag (Universität Passau, Germany)
Abstract (ASCII), complete text (gzipped Postscript)

Paradigms in LP-Systems

Curry: A Multi-Paradigm Declarative Language
(system description)
Michael Hanus (Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Germany)
complete text (gzipped Postscript)

FLORID - A Prototype for F-Logic
(system description)
Paul-Th. Kandzia and Christian Schlepphorst (Universität Freiburg, Germany)
Abstract (ASCII), complete text (gzipped Postscript)

Theorem Provers

The SETHEO System
(system description)
Ortrun Ibens (Technische Universität München, Germany)
Abstract (ASCII), complete text (gzipped Postscript)

Der Tableau-Browser SNARKS
(system description)
Mathias Kettner und Norbert Eisinger (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München,

complete text (gzipped Postscript)

Planning Systems

Constraint-basierte Planung und Konfiguration
(system description)
Dmitri Boulanger, Andreas Fordan, Ulrich Geske Hans-Joachim Goltz, Ulrich John,
Alexander Nareyek, André Schiemann und Armin Wolf
(GMD-FIRST, Berlin, Germany)

Abstract (ASCII), complete text (gzipped Postscript)

Reasoning Systems

Probabilistic Reasoning with Maximum Entropy - The System PIT
(system description)
Manfred Schramm und Volker Fischer (Technische Universität München, Germany)
Abstract (ASCII), complete text (gzipped Postscript)

The Use of Inductive Logic Programming for the Developement
of the Statistical Software Tool CORA
(system description)
Iris Pigeot und Ursula Robers (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München,
Universität Dortmund, Germany)

Abstract (ASCII), complete text (gzipped Postscript)

Attempto - Englisch als (formale) Spezifikationssprache
(system description)
Norbert E. Fuchs, Uta Schwertel und Rolf Schwitter (Universität Zürich, Schweiz)
Abstract (ASCII), complete text (gzipped Postscript)